Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Value of Kids (Launch Team Mtg 5-Sept-2010)

Kids matter to God

In Mark 9:33-37 and Mark 10:13-16 we read that although Jesus’ disciples saw children as a distraction, He considered them important.  As a matter of fact, in the account in Mark 10, it says that when the disciples shooed the parents and children away, it made Jesus furious.

Think about this… you have to do a lot in order to make Jesus angry!  What did they do?  They tried to keep the kids from bothering Jesus.  Kids are not just important, but incredibly valuable to God!  If they are this valuable to Him, they MUST be this valuable to us!

Investing in kids is an investment in the future

Kids are much more likely than any other age group to commit their hearts to Christ.  And their spiritual worldview is still being formed.  It’s almost as if working with kids is like working with clay, while working with adults is like working with statues.  And although we celebrate anytime anyone commits their heart to Christ, when a child comes to Christ, you have an entire life that can impact the world!

We invest in kids

Because of the value that God puts on children, we have to make a solid kids ministry a focus at Watermark… they will get plenty of resources, the best people and a lot of our advertising and energy. My greatest prayer isn’t for a rockin’ music team (although I am passionate about this)… it’s for people that will help us love on kids!

One of our mantras will be: We minister to kids... period! Oh, and by the way…we also have services for adults…

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you value your ministry to children and realize the importance of it. One thing that amazes me is the effect children can have by their pure faith. I have seen children from my VBS group with unbelieving families (whose parents just wanted a free daycare) come back having brought their siblings, parents, and/or grandparents to Christ. The results of a child-like faith are spectacular because "the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
