Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A safe place

Awesome news: God worked a miracle for CM.  The Freiburg Uni had told her there was absolutely no way she would be accepted as a student this year… that she would have to take additional classes in Heidelberg for a year first.  She just received an email saying she would be accepted.  That means she will be here to help us launch the church.  What better way to start a church than with a display of God’s power?!?!

And our Launch Team is now up to 15 people, with an additional 8 people that are either considering getting involved or are raising money to be able to join us here.

Concerning the building… we are meeting with an architect to see what needs to be upgraded in order for us to be able to use it as a church building.  So far, things are looking good.  We seem to have favor with the Zoning Commissioner (Baumeister).  He gave us a couple of suggestions to help get the permit for the building.  We still need to raise a lot of money, but God is giving us favor everywhere we turn.

Finally, for those that weren’t able to make the meeting last Sunday night, here are the notes from the meeting (we didn’t record it).


Eph 4:11-12, 16 (NLT) 11 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers.12 Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ…. 16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

· Churches grow and fulfill their destiny when every person gets involved.  Notice: “As each part does its special work…”

· Many churches are focused around the pastor and his/her gifts.  Watermark is in the business of building people; it’s not all about Robin and me!

    • Our job is to help you find your place and help you use your gifts to God’s glory.
    • We’ll be working alongside you; but our job isn’t so much to do the work as it is to keep our focus on the vision and values, to train people, and to help them use their gifts for God’s Kingdom.
  • We’re in the business of changed lives. It MUST BE about what we can put into them, not what we can get out of them.
  • With that in mind, let’s start looking at our core values… the first one we want to talk about is “Being a safe place to investigate a relationship with God”
    • We need to think through what it would be like to be a first-time visitor in a church… esp. if you’ve not used to church, or are used to a traditional church.  What are unchurched people thinking/feeling when they come in?  What fears/hopes do they have?
    • We need to be “user-friendly”!  Old DOS computer programs were difficult to use unless you were a programmer.  But since Windows and Mac operating systems came along, now anyone can use a computer… this is what we mean by user-friendly!  We want Watermark to be a church that anyone – regardless of their background or experience – can connect with and find / develop a relationship with God.
    • This means rethinking / redefining our
      • Language
      • Brand (look, feel, etc)
      • Signage – Toilets, children’s church and nursery areas,
      • Attitude – People’s lives are messy… especially those that don’t have a relationship with Christ.  We need to be grace-giving.  We have to remember that we are all in process and have issues we’re working through.
    • We want to be the friendliest church in town.  This helps us become “sticky”... it’s relationships that cause people to stick!

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